Q1. What is the purpose of the cameras around the marina?
A1. Please enjoy the cameras as they were intended, to provide a window on the marina from your home. The Harbour Master also monitors the marina both from his office and remotely if he is away from the marina. The marina cameras were never intended to be used for surveillance or relied upon for security.
Q2. Why do we have gates on the ramps?
A2. The gates provide a reasonable measure to reduce the liability to the Membership and to stop anby non member, bicycles and skate boards from using the docks. Most marinas are completely gated and fenced.
Q3. May a slip owner move or add cleats to the docks?
A3. No, a special tool is required. Please contact the Harbour Master with any change requests. Members may purchase additional cleats for their slip if needed.
Q4. Why can't cars park around the Marina with a boat trailer attached?
A4. The parking lots were not originally built to the specifications required for trailer parking, and there is not enough room to allow for the space required by trailers.
Q5. Why aren’t the oysters scraped off of the sea walls?
A5. According to NC Fish and Wildlife regulations, if you scrape oysters from the wall and they fall to the bottom of the marina, the entire area becomes an oyster bed. In this event, we may be severely limited from future dredging to these areas within the marina. In truth, the oysters are considered to be a stabilizing force on the sea walls and provide a great environmental asset towards the cleansing of the waters within the marina.
Q6. Why do some boats stick out beyond the end of their finger pier?
A6. No boats are over length in the marina, but depending on how lines are tied relative to the dock corner gussets, they may float outside the end of the slip.
Q7. Who monitors the discharge from larger boats that never use the regular or portable pump out stations and never take their boat out of the marina?
A7. The Harbour Master monitors these boats, and currently everyone uses the pump-out at the fuel dock.
Q8. What are the regulations on fueling your boat within the marina?
A8. Fuel may only be transported on Marina property in a Coast Guard approved outboard fuel container with the proper outboard quick disconnect fittings. Fuel may not be poured into a boat’s fuel tank within the marina.
Q9. Why do we have so many signs with rules posted around the marina?
A9. The signs were installed to properly notify and remind members of the rules and regulations.
Q10. If I see a child without a life jacket on the docks what should I do?
A11. First, approach the child’s parent and remind them of the Rules and Regulations. If this is unsuccessful, notify the Harbour Master.
Q10. Are the fishermen allowed to anchor in the marina?
A10. Yes, they are within their rights. See Q1 in the Marina Fishing section of the FAQ.
Q11. Do the fishermen have to move if I need to get by them?
A11. They are required to move within a reasonable amount of time. There have been no reports of any fishing vessels refusing to do so.