5. Marina Boat Ramp
Q1. Who owns the boat ramp and sets policy for its use?
A1. Pender Marina Holdings Inc. (PMHI) owns the boat ramp and sets all policies regarding its use. Even though the ramp is not owned or controlled by HVMI, we have worked together with PMHI to make the ramp available for member’s use.
Q2. Who controls the boat ramp access on a day to day basis?
A2. PMHI has contracted with BAYR Marine. (BAYR) to manage day to day access to the boat ramp. BAYR receives no compensation for managing the ramp from PMHI.
Q3. Who established the original ramp regulations?
A3. As the owners of the ramp, Pender Marina Holdings Inc. (PMHI) set the original regulations and has modified them over time as changes were needed.
Q4. How do I get use of the boat ramp when the Harbour Master is not available?
A4. The boat ramp is available only during Fuel Sales hours as posted at the Fuel Sales office and on the HVMI website.
Q5. Can a slip owner use the boat ramp to launch another boat than that which is the one they keep in their slip?
A5. No. Only boats that have a current Slip Registration Form on file for it may use the ramp.
Q6. Why do we only have two sets of in and outs a year at the boat ramp?
A6. After several members were found misusing the ramp privileges, PMHI revised the ramp use policy to limit the number of in and outs per year. This is the same policy that was in effect in prior years. Please note that the two sets of in and outs are not counted during storms and additional uses may be purchased from PMHI if needed.
Q7. Who receives the money collected from the boat ramp?
A7. Pender Marina Holdings Inc. (PMHI)