Q1. Does the Harbour Master provide support 24/7?
A1. Yes
Q2. Who does HVMI pay to do all of the small repairs around the marina?
A2. BAYR provides and completes small repairs around the marina within their ability, unless special licensing is required.
Q3. Who does HVMI pay to take care of all the billing and accounting for the marina?
A3. This activity is included in the Harbour Master contract.
Q4. Can members ask the Harbour Master for help if a problem or damage has occurred to their property?
A4. Yes, the Harbour Master is always your first contact.
Q5. What percentage of the Harbour Master’s time is spent on administration?
A5. The amount of time spent varies from month to month. The Harbour Master spends the time that is needed to adequately perform these tasks. The addition of the accounting and billing for electrical services has increased this time.
Q6. Who pays for the Harbour Master’s office?
A6. Harbour Master does not have an office paid for by HVMI. BAYR Marine. (BAYR) pays PMHI for the Fuel Sales Office and conducts HVMI business from there..
Q7. Who pays for the Harbour Master’s staff?
Q8. Why is the Harbour Master off duty on Tuesdays and Wednesday?
A8. The Harbour Master works 5 days a week, selected by the Board of Directors to cover the busy times in the marina. Tuesday and Wednesday comprise his weekend.
Q9. What is the term of the current Harbour Master Contract?
A9. The current contract with BAYR is for a ten year period which began in July of 2016.
Q10. Are we locked into the present Harbour Master Contract?
A10 No, the Board of Directors can terminate the contract with BAYR at any time.
Q11. Why would we have an extended agreement for the Harbour Master position?
A11. The goal was to provide continuity to the day to day management of the marina. The previous Harbour Master served for 16+ years.
Q12. Who pays for any insurance required for the Harbour Master?