Q1. What is the relationship between HVMI and the Harbour Village Homeowners Association, HVHOA?
A1. HVMI and the HVHOA share use of the roads and entrance, but the roadways are solely owned by HVHOA. Since HVMI uses this property, HVMI has three shares in the HVHOA and contributes $2100/year towards the road and landscape funds. In return, HVMI receives voting rights on any issues that deal with the roads. HVMI also has an ex-officio seat on the HVHOA Board of Directors.
Q2. What is the relationship between HVMI and Pender Marine Holdings Inc., PMHI?
A2. PMHI is a member of HVMI as multiple-slip owner, including the fuel dock. PMHI owns the boat ramp, the parking lots and some of the land surrounding the marina. PMHI also owns the marina building (from which we lease the bathrooms and lounge).
Q3. What is the relationship between HVMI and Pender Land Holdings Inc., PLHI?
A3. PLHI owns most of the property around the marina. HVMI only owns the quay walls, and the small piece of land where the picnic tables are located.
Q4. Can PMHI take away the use of the parking lots?
A4. No, each member’s deed gives them non-exclusive perpetual use of the parking lots owned by Pender Holdings.
Q5. What is the relationship between HVMI and the boat ramp?
A5. None, HVMI has no authority or ownership of the boat ramp as stated in the Deed to every slip. The ramp belongs to PMHI.
Q6. What is the relationship between HVMI and BAYR Marine INC.?
A6. HVMI contracts with BAYR Marine INC to provide the day to day management of the marina.
Q7. Is there a contract between HVMI and the Harbour Master?
A7. There is a contract between HVMI and BAYR Marine INC as noted in Q7 above. Brett Ulisnik is the person designated by BAYR Marine INC as the Harbour Master.