Q1. How much compensation does the Board of Directors receive?
A1. The Board of Directors is prohibited by the By-Laws of the association from receiving any monetary remuneration for their work on the Board. All work is on a volunteer basis.
Q2. What “perks” does the Board of Directors receive?
A2. The Board of Directors receives no special privileges. They are members just like everyone else. The only “perks” they receive is a plaque, awarded when they leave the board after serving their full term(s). They also receive an annual dinner, with their spouse, at a local restaurant. This was initiated by, and approved by the membership.
Q3. How does one get on the Board of Directors?
A3. Nominations and/or submissions for any expiring Board positions are requested in the April 1st billing cycle, and resumes are due by April 15th of each year. A nominee must be willing to serve 4-8 hours per week, attend 8-10 Board meetings per year, and be internet savvy. The full membership then votes on the slate of candidates via a mail-in ballot. The results of each year’s election are announced at the Annual Meeting of the membership.
Q4. Are the Minutes of the HVMI Board of Directors meetings available?
A4. Yes, the minutes are available for review by contacting the HVMI Board of Directors, Secretary.
Q5. How have we been able to maintain the marina and still lower our quarterly dues over the last six years?
A5. Marina operational costs have been lowered by having the Harbour Master handle many repairs, and by re-negotiating various service contracts such as garbage pick-up and fire extinguisher maintenance, plumbing and electrical repairs.
Q6. Why do you call everyone a member instead of calling them owners and renters?
A6. When an owner rents their slip to someone they give up all his usage rights to the renter. The owner does retain all their voting rights. Therefore the renter is a member without voting rights so there is no distinction. The renters are a very important part of the marina as a whole as over 60% of the slips in the marina are rented.
Q7. How much maintenance does the Harbour Master sub-contract out?
A7. The Harbour Master makes every attempt to make repairs in house. For larger projects, e.g. docks and quay wall repair, outside contractors are used. Outside contractors are also used if a special license is needed.
Q8. Why does HVMI contract out the Harbour Master position rather than hire an employee?
A8. This is done to avoid paying insurance, workman’s compensation, and other benefits for an employee. In addition the marina does not have to process social security and Medicare taxes.
Q9. Does the Board of Directors get much communication from the members?
A9. Most day-to-day issues are handled daily by the Harbour Master. A small number of issues come directly to the Board of Directors, and most of these could easily have been addressed by the Harbour Master.
Q10. Why is it important to send a proxy to the Board of Directors if I am not coming to the annual meeting?
A10. If members do not send their proxies to the Board, their interests will not be voted. If an insufficient number of members plus proxies are not available for each meeting, no business can be conducted. The Board will always pre-inform the membership of any known significant motions expected at the annual meeting prior to the meeting.
Q11. Why does the Board of Directors make the decisions about the marina?
A11. The Board of Directors is empowered by the members to make decisions about the marina as specified in the By-Laws of the Association.
Q12. Does the Board of Directors represent the members when they make decisions?
A12. Yes, the Board makes decisions to maintain, care for and preserve the boat slips, docks, piers and all other property of the association and/or the members. As members themselves, the Board endeavors to make decisions that are in the best interest of all the members.
Q13. What decisions of the marina do the members vote on?
A13. The full membership votes on the yearly budget proposed by the Board, assessments in excess of $100 per owner, per year, the membership of the Board of Directors, and any changes to the By-Laws or Covenants of the Association.
Q14. Is it true that a lot of the items of interest were put in place prior to the Board’s reformulation in 2005?
A14. Yes, the Articles of Incorporation, Covenants, By-Laws, and original Rules and Regulations were established many years ago. The present Rules and Regulations are updated slightly each year if needed, but the majority has been in place for many years.
Q15. Does the Board of Directors approve all expenditures?
A15. The HVMI Treasurer reviews all funds expended, and a Board executive member signs all checks that are paid from Association funds.
Q16. Are members allowed to attend meetings of the Board of Directors?
A16. Yes, voting members in good standing may attend the open portions of the Board of Directors’ meetings. Some topics involving individual member’s issues and financials are dealt with in a closed Executive Session for privacy reasons. The Board requests that any member wishing to attend any regular meeting of the board should send an email prior to the meeting stating their interests. This will allow the Board to schedule their agenda accordingly.
Q17. Are non-members allowed to attend meetings of the Board of Directors?
A17. Non-members with specific interests such as Coast Guard, insurance representatives, and Association attorneys may be invited to attend a portion of the meetings by the Board.
Q18. Why does all mail sent to the Board of Directors go to the Harbour Master’s P.O. Box?
Q18. Receiving all mail at a common address saves the cost of a second P.O. Box. All mail sent Attn: Board of Directors is referred to a board member. Please remember, your inquiries should be directed to the Harbour Master first and the Board only when he is unable to resolve your concern.